US Air Travel Faces Potential Delays as Deadline for Retrofitted Altimeters Approaches

airplane loading in airport at sunset

Starting July 1st, planes without retrofitted sensitive radar altimeters will be unable to land in low visibility conditions across the United States, potentially causing delays for travelers. This requirement is not related to an ongoing safety issue but rather a response to the increased power of 5G networks, which could interfere with aircraft lacking the necessary equipment, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

The implementation of this 5G boost has been subject to delays and debates between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) due to concerns about the impact of 5G signals on radio waves used to determine an aircraft’s proximity to the ground. Originally planned for January 2022, the power increase was postponed until July 2022 and subsequently agreed upon with the FAA for implementation on July 1st, 2023.

Approximately 80 percent of domestic aircraft have already undergone the necessary retrofit, although some major carriers still have planes awaiting the upgrade. Delta, for instance, needs to bring 190 planes up to par, while JetBlue has 17 planes remaining. The Airlines for America trade association attributes these delays to supply chain issues. On the other hand, United, Southwest, and American Airlines have reported that they will meet the deadline with all their planes upgraded. When it comes to international flights entering the US, around 65 percent of the aircraft already have up-to-date altimeters, and airlines are prepared to utilize those aircraft whenever possible.

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg expressed concern over the potential for delays or cancellations due to this requirement, stating that it is likely the biggest foreseeable problem affecting performance during the summer. The extent of the impact will largely depend on weather conditions, but fortunately, there are no imminent snowstorms expected. Ultimately, all aircraft in the US will need to have updated altimeters by February 2024, irrespective of visibility conditions.

In conclusion, starting from July 1st, planes without retrofitted sensitive radar altimeters will be unable to land in low visibility conditions in the US. This measure aims to address potential interference from the increased power of 5G networks. While a majority of domestic and international aircraft have already undergone the necessary upgrades, some major carriers still have planes awaiting the retrofit. Secretary Buttigieg warns of the possibility of delays or cancellations, making this requirement a significant factor affecting performance during the summer. By February 2024, all US aircraft will be required to have updated altimeters, regardless of visibility conditions.

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